Join us to leverage your workplace as a force for good.

We are building a big table filled with justice-minded individuals and organizations who are leveraging their power to stop violence against people living in poverty.


Leverage Your Work for Good

IJM equips employees, business owners and justice-minded companies with tools and resources to become a powerful force in the fight to end modern slavery and violence.

IJM understands that employees, business owners and companies strive to use their influence and resources for good. Many care specifically about this work of ending modern slavery for good. We want to equip you to do just that.

In the fight to protect people in poverty from violence, you’re not alone. We have resources to support and encourage you along the way and actionable steps you can take to make a difference around the globe. Read more about specific ways IJM can empower you in your workplace.

Get Involved

Our team has curated a number of opportunities for your workplace to help end modern slavery around the world. Read more about a first step you can take today.

Employer Match Gifts

Consider the impact that doubling (or tripling!) your gift could have on the millions of people trapped in modern slavery and violence. Will your company match your gift?

Employer Match Gifts

Does your company have existing groups related to human rights, Christianity, nonprofit work, social impact or volunteering? If so, let us provide you with resources including discussion guides, books and specific actions to take to bring you deeper into the work of IJM.

Host a Speaker

Bringing an IJM speaker into your workplace is an incredible way to gather your colleagues and actively learn, ask questions and hear stories of how we are in a position of power to help protect people in poverty from violence.

Partner with a Field Office

A financial partnership with IJM is one way for your business to reflect your corporate values, commitment and desire to end modern slavery. As a field office partner, you will receive exclusive access to field operations and rescue updates and biannual reports from the field team.

Corporate Partner

Hear from corporate partners who have joined IJM in the fight for justice.

“IJM strengthens the justice ecosystem through
their Global Protection Model to combat cross
border labor slavery in Southeast Asia. This
ongoing partnership allows UPS to globalize its
anti-human trafficking strategy and we are
excited to continue this work.”

Nicole Clifton

President, Social Impact and The UPS Foundation

Corporate Partnerships

IJM also partners with corporations to develop tailored solutions that address forced labor. We are building a robust, public-private coalition of corporations and governments who are leveraging their power to eliminate forced labor slavery and protect communities where their supply chains operate.

Learn more about our work and read real examples where IJM and corporations have partnered with governments to strengthen justice systems and protect vulnerable people from violence.